Wellness/Senior Monitoring

Wellness Solutions

Along with the aging of our population comes additional responsibility for the care of the elderly. Whether the care is in the form of in-person physical help with basic activities, or long-distance monitoring by phone as to the daily issues that the person is facing, there needs to be a solution for every unique situation.

There are many options available for families who are trying to decide on the best type of care for their loved one. First and foremost, is the decision as to whether the person is capable of remaining in their home or whether they require the 24/7 care provided by live-in assistance or by moving into a specialized facility.

phone-UI-wellnessFortunately, there are new products available that can ease the mind of those responsible for the care of the elderly. No longer do you have to be in the same house or even in the same city to oversee the daily activity of someone who requires either temporary or ongoing care.

Wellness is a monitoring device that has many capabilities to oversee and report the activities, unusual events and living conditions to the responsible party, no matter how far away they may be.

This device can be used by family members, home-care providers or senior living facilities. We will list below some of the advantages of this affordable tool.

Family Members:

  • Alerts can be received to indicate unusual events, such as falls or changes in eating habits.
  • The caregiver can determine if the person is taking medication on schedule.
  • Sleep patterns that are unusual will be recorded and communicated.
  • Temperature in the person’s home can be monitored and changed from any location.
  • Locks and lights can be controlled, so that the person doesn’t have to remember to lock the doors at night.
  • Achieve better insight into the daily activities of your loved one.
  • Wellness can be integrated with a personal emergency pendant, if desired.

Home-care Providers:

  • Through the use of text messages, emails, phone calls and a secure website, employees can monitor their clients round-the-clock.
  • By knowing if a client has fallen, not eaten meals on a regular basis, or has left their home, they can respond immediately during any emergency situation, or alert a family member of the event.

Senior Living Facilities:

  • Provide specialized care for every individual with less staff.
  • Set your facility apart from the competition by the use of more sophisticated monitoring of residents.
  • Through the improvement in population management, achieve cost-savings and more efficient use of staff’s time.
  • Respond to emergencies faster, due to real-time alerts when these events occur.
  • Use a single dashboard to monitor many residents by one staff member.
  • Analytics provide reports on changes in behavior, eating and sleeping habits or physical deterioration, which can be used in discussions with family and/or medical personnel to help determine when changes in care are indicated.

Senior Security MonitoringThere is no substitute for the security and safety that results from monitoring with the Wellness device. At American Alarms, we are very serious about the business of protecting life and property by using the most affordable, yet comprehensive and high-performing methods available.

These automated monitoring devices cannot be compared with the personal emergency pendants, since those devices require the participation and action of the wearer. In serious situations, the person may not be capable or conscious in order to perform the movement required to send an alert.

The Wellness monitoring system is independent of any action by the person requiring assistance. The sensors can be discreetly placed in locations that will provide caregivers with information as to how much time the person is sitting in a favorite chair, or spending in bed. It will send customized notifications when there are changes in habits or schedules that could indicate a potential problem. An additional safety net is achieved by using an integrated bed sensor.

American Alarms is confident that the Wellness monitoring system can provide your loved one or a patient in a senior living facility with the oversight that could prevent a serious health event. It will also provide caregivers with ongoing feedback as to the improvement or decline in a person’s overall condition, so that necessary changes in care levels can be made in a timely fashion.

Got questions? Call or e-mail us today for a free quote or to get more information. (919) 460-5995,