Central Vacuum – New Construction Installation

Central Vacuum InstallationIf you’re considering a central vacuum system for your new home, it is best to plan for it upfront.  American Alarm can help you design the most efficient system and take care of all the rough installation work during the framing process of your home.  This allows for the most flexibility as you have full access to put outlets where you want prior to walls being enclosed with sheetrock and other utility obstacles which make placement more challenging and costly after your home has been completed.

Call us today for a consultation and planning session.

American Alarms Inc. installs and services M&S vacuum systems.

How it works: A central vacuum is a whole-house system. Tubing is installed inside the wall, which is connected to a collection unit located in the garage or basement. Eliminate the hassle of electrical cords and just plug the vacuum hose into the wall inlet. The system starts when the hose is connected and stops when the hose is removed. You can have as many inlets as you want throughout your house or a single inlet in a convenient location.

A very popular feature of the central vacuum system is a “dustpan” vac, which is a small wide inlet built into the area under your kitchen cabinet. The “dustpan” will allow you to simply sweep all of your debris from your kitchen without the messy dustpans.

Benefits: The biggest benefit of a central vacuum system is that it removes 100% of your dust-borne allergens. When a traditional vacuum runs, it releases dust and other allergens back into the air.

central vacuum systemsThe hose on a central vacuum system is specifically designed using durable PVC plastic and fastened securely to the inlet to make sure that the dust and dirt are contained in the tubing and collection unit.

Central vacuums also have FIVE times the suction of a traditional vacuum. Since the power unit is located in the garage or basement, central vacuums are much quieter than traditional vacuums allowing you to hear the phone ring, watch TV, or talk to another family member.

Say goodbye to emptying that annoying vacuum bag as a central vacuum system only needs to be emptied twice a year! With no maintenance required!

Got questions? Call or e-mail us today for a free quote or to get more information. (919) 460-5995,